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Hey 🤘 I’m Nick, founder of Onigiri. I’m acting as full-time CPO at Mojam. But years ago I’ve started my career as a freelance designer.
To contribute back to the community that helped me grow and succeed in the career I’m bootstrapping Onigiri. I’m having fun building something small for small businesses combining it with creating a product in a larger company.
I’m keen on photography, illustration & design. Still. So sometimes I still have some gigs at those topics. Also I’ve got two beautiful huskies that never let me be bored
Here you can find more about me
Common invoicing mistakes freelancers make and how to avoid them with

Common invoicing mistakes freelancers make and how to avoid them with

Streamlining your invoicing process: tips to avoid common invoicing freelancing pitfalls

How to make an invoice

How to make an invoice

Discover how to make invoices online with the right elements, templates, and formatting to ensure you get paid by your customers.

Best invoicing software for freelancers

Best invoicing software for freelancers

Find the best invoicing software for freelancers with a comprehensive comparison we made. Choose the best option that fit your needs.

The Freelancer's Guide to Tax Season: Simplifying Tax Reporting with

The Freelancer's Guide to Tax Season: Simplifying Tax Reporting with

Here are some ways your side gig could affect this tax-filing season

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Discover essential strategies to elevate client communication and foster stronger professional relationships with our comprehensive guide.

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44 Best apps for freelancers to manage and grow their business

Discover a comprehensive selection of top-notch apps tailored for freelancers, ranging from mindfulness tools to efficient document management solutions

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Discover thriving freelance communities that offer a supportive space for connection and growth.

How to remind someone to pay you

How to remind someone to pay you

Learn how to remind someone to pay you for your work in a friendly and informal way with these helpful strategies.

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Flat rate vs hourly rate: what should you choose?

Explore the key differences between flat rate and hourly rate to determine the optimal choice for your business or project.

Friendly reminder email: 10 ready-to-use templates you could try

Friendly reminder email: 10 ready-to-use templates you could try

Get 10 gentle reminder email templates that can help you kindly nudge clients and colleagues.