A person who starts a business or who is an entrepreneur

his comprehensive guide explores the different types of entrepreneurship, the key roles of an entrepreneur, and the unique features of entrepreneurship for freelancers and beginners.

A person who starts a business or who is an entrepreneur
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Concepts of entrepreneurship

  • Entrepreneurship is a broad term that encompasses various aspects and nuances. At its core, it refers to starting and running a business, but it's much more than just a commercial venture.
  • Innovation and Value Creation: Entrepreneurship often involves bringing innovative ideas, products, or services to market. Entrepreneurs are visionaries who recognize opportunities and create value from them. Their endeavors are about generating profits and offering solutions that enhance lives and contribute to society.
  • Risk-Taking and Uncertainty: One of the fundamental characteristics of entrepreneurship is the willingness to take calculated risks. Entrepreneurs face uncertain market conditions and accept the inherent risks of starting a new business. The ability to manage risk and uncertainty is critical to their success.
  • Resource Management: Entrepreneurs must effectively utilize and manage resources, including time, money, and human capital. This often involves bootstrapping or making the most out of limited resources, particularly during the initial stages of business.
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset: Entrepreneurship is as much a mindset as an occupation. Entrepreneurs possess distinct qualities, such as resilience, determination, creativity, adaptability, and a relentless drive for success.
Let’s describe what exactly entrepreneurs do.

What does an entrepreneur do?

The leap to entrepreneurship is a natural and exciting progression for many freelancers. Understanding what entrepreneurs do can provide valuable insights into this journey. Here's what a day in the life of an entrepreneur might look like:
  • Idea Generation and Validation Just as freelancers are often creative thinkers, entrepreneurs start with an idea. They identify gaps in the market or unique ways to solve problems. But they continue beyond the idea stage - they also validate these concepts by researching market demand, much like a freelancer might assess the market for their skills.
  • Business Planning A critical task for entrepreneurs is to develop a detailed business plan. This blueprint maps out the venture's objectives, strategies, and financial projections. As a freelancer, you might have created a business plan when starting your freelance career - an entrepreneur's project is similar but typically involves a larger scale and more complexity.
  • Resource Acquisition As an entrepreneur, you need to secure necessary resources, from physical materials to financial backing. Much like a freelancer has to invest in the right tools and technologies, entrepreneurs may need to attract investors, secure loans, or bootstrap their ventures using their resources.
  • Team Building If you've been a solo freelancer, becoming an entrepreneur will introduce a new team-building challenge. Entrepreneurs identify talents, hire team members, and foster a positive company culture. It's about assembling a group of people who can bring diverse skills, complementing each other in the journey towards shared goals.
  • Operations Management Entrepreneurs oversee the daily operations of their businesses. They make decisions about everything from product development to marketing strategies, akin to how freelancers manage different aspects of their work on a broader scale.
  • Growth and Scaling Finally, entrepreneurs continually strive to grow their businesses. They analyze market trends, customer feedback, and financial performance to decide when and how to scale their operations. As a freelancer, you may have thought about expanding your client base or increasing your rates - an entrepreneur thinks about these growth strategies and more.
The transition from freelance work to entrepreneurship may be challenging, but understanding the roles and responsibilities of an entrepreneur can help prepare you for this exciting journey.

Different types of entrepreneurs for freelancers

In the world of entrepreneurship, there is more than one-size-fits-all approach. As diverse as the freelancers who venture into it, entrepreneurship comes in many forms, each with unique facets, opportunities, and challenges.
Consider the transition from a freelance professional to a freelance entrepreneur. It's a familiar path where you maintain your freelancer's independence while expanding your horizons. You might scale your services, subcontract tasks, or evolve a strong personal brand to differentiate yourself in the market.
Or you could embark on the journey of a solopreneur. You'd create a product or service that can scale without direct trading. Think of digital products like online courses or ebooks. The shift lies in creating a product once but selling it to many, essentially uncoupling your time and income.
For those driven by making a difference, the path of social entrepreneurship beckons. Social entrepreneurs are change-makers who see profit and positive societal impact as not mutually exclusive but intertwined. They build businesses that address social issues or contribute to society while generating revenue.
Then there's the route of becoming a franchisee, which offers an enticing blend of entrepreneurship and risk management. You'd be leveraging a well-established brand's proven business model, reducing some of the uncertainties that come with starting from scratch. It's entrepreneurship on a guided path.
Suppose you're the type who thrives on innovation, risk, and scale. In that case, the high-stakes world of startups could be your calling. As a startup founder, you'd be working on bringing a groundbreaking idea to life, ready to disrupt markets and change the game.
Lastly, for those who enjoy the stability of a job but wish to flex their entrepreneurial muscles, there's intrapreneurship. As an intrapreneur, you could foster innovation within an existing company, pitching and managing a new project, product, or service.
The diverse entrepreneurship landscape offers various paths suited to different aspirations, risk appetites, and working styles. The key is to understand that transitioning from freelancing (I bet you know what freelance work is about) to entrepreneurship is about something other than fitting into a mold. It's about carving your path that aligns with your vision and values.

Features of entrepreneurship for freelancers and beginners

Transitioning from freelancing to entrepreneurship is a significant leap. While the two share some common ground, there are distinctive features in entrepreneurship that may be new to freelancers and beginners. Here are a few aspects to consider:
  • Broader Scope Unlike freelancing, where you are typically focused on specific tasks or projects, entrepreneurship demands a more holistic view. Entrepreneurs must consider everything from product development and marketing strategies to financial management and legal compliance.
  • Increased Responsibility As an entrepreneur, you will be the driving force behind your business, making all critical decisions. This responsibility can be challenging but also incredibly rewarding.
  • Greater Financial Risks (and Potential Rewards) Entrepreneurship often requires upfront investment and comes with financial risks. However, the potential for financial reward is much higher than traditional freelancing, particularly if your business idea is scalable.
  • Team Leadership Leading a team may be a new challenge if you're used to working independently as a freelancer. Entrepreneurs need to recruit, manage, and inspire their teams to ensure the business's success.
  • Business Development Entrepreneurs spend significant time seeking new business opportunities, forming strategic partnerships, and exploring ways to expand their business.
  • Long-Term Commitment While freelancing can offer flexibility and variety, entrepreneurship often requires a long-term commitment to a single business idea until the venture is stable and successful.
These unique aspects of entrepreneurship offer exciting possibilities but can also pose challenges. As you embark on your entrepreneurial journey, knowing these features can help you prepare for the road ahead and maximize your chances of success.


The transition from freelancing to entrepreneurship is more than just a professional shift; it's an exciting journey that can completely transform your work-life dynamics. It opens doors to new opportunities and challenges, offering you a platform to scale your skills, amplify your impact, and reap potentially greater rewards.
Understanding the intricate world of entrepreneurship is a critical first step on this journey. We're no strangers to working independently and taking the reins of our careers. Entrepreneurship adds new layers to this experience.
Each path within the realm of entrepreneurship offers unique opportunities. You might resonate with the self-determined way of a solopreneur or the cause-driven purpose of a social entrepreneur. The high-stakes world of startup founders captivates you, or the guided journey of a franchisee seems like your ideal route. The choice ultimately rests on your aspirations, risk appetite, and the type of work that truly inspires you.
Being aware of the inherent features of entrepreneurship is equally important. As freelancers, we're used to managing our work and time. However, entrepreneurship can bring new aspects into play - broader business strategies, increased responsibility, and financial risks and rewards. Yet, with these comes the possibility of greater achievement, the joy of leading a team, and the satisfaction of seeing your business idea grow and succeed.
In conclusion, while the path of entrepreneurship might seem daunting, remember that every successful entrepreneur starts with a dream and the courage to take that first step. As freelancers, we already possess the drive, independence, and resilience that lay the foundation for entrepreneurship. So, consider this article your starting point. Embrace the challenges ahead, learn from each experience, and embark on this rewarding transformation journey from freelancer to entrepreneur.

Written by

Ivan Burban
Ivan Burban

Onigiri Co-Founder